Barē your skin with our acne journey.

The acne Journey.

  • The Cause.

    Acne develops due to a combination of factors including excessive sebum (oil) production, buildup of dead skin cells, proliferation of acne-causing bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes), hormonal fluctuations, and inflammation within the hair follicles. Please know, not all acne is treated the same with us!

  • The Consultation.

    "Unlock Your Clear Skin Journey: Start with a Consultation! Discovering the right acne treatment is like finding a key to radiant skin. A consultation with on of our Aesthetic Specialists ensures personalized guidance tailored to your unique skin type, helping you navigate through the maze of options with clarity and confidence.

  • The Treatments.

    We will create your tailored acne treatment plan at your consultation, we offer many options in which we combo treatments together. From Dermaplaning to Geneo and advaTx we will have your skin feeling clear in no time! All of our Barē nutrition guidance is backed by our registered Dietician.

  • The Maintenance.

    With acne, comes a maintenance plan. Once we get your skin cleared, we will create a maintenance schedule to ensure it stays that way! Some of our plans include nutritional guidance created just for patients like you. Confidence starts from the inside out, here at Barē we will ensure you can get to a place where you no longer feel like hiding your skin.